While killing time in our local antique mall - a.k.a.flea market - I came across this old Sunbonnet Sue quilt marked $150.00. I took it off the rack and noticed a number of what I call "old age" stains on it, so put it back, walked sadly to my car, and drove to my PT appointment. Afterwards, being that I would not get it off of my mind, I went back to the store and started looking at it again. Knowing that summer would be here soon and I could lay it out in the sun with some diluted lemon juice, I decided to go up and ask my friend, Oliver, what was the best deal was he could give me on it. He called the owner and came back with $75.00. I almost flipped, and of course I said...SOLD! It is in WONDERFUL condition, all the precious prints are so old and beautiful, it is all hand sewn with perfect tiny stitches, and the stains I can work with in time. Why do I work at 72? Well, this is one of the reasons why....so I can treat myself to things like this every once in a while to bring joy to me and brighten our home. Buddy was ecstatic when I brought it in the house, and now it hangs proudly in our sun room. We love it, and the day of work it took me to purchase it was well worth the effort.
"Men should be judged not by their tint of skin, the gods they serve, the vintage they drink, nor by the way they fight, or love, or sin, but by the quality of the thought they think.”
~ Adela Florence Nicolson
This post is linked with Ruby Tuesday over at Work of the Poet, and