My daughter gave me the most wonderful quilting book for Christmas.
I would recommend it to anyone. I love it!
I would recommend it to anyone. I love it!
The book is divided into six sections dealing with different types of blocks.
The first is crosses. The others are rectangles, triangles stripes, squares, and Haiku.
There are 14 different cross block patterns in the book.
On the left side page is a completed block.
On the right side page is the piecing order guide, recipes as to what size pieces to cut and how many, and room for notes.
I am determined to make each of the 100 blocks over 2014.
Here is what I have done so far...
This is my interpretation of the book’s Block 5 shown above.
It is hand pieced, and hand quilted for use as a coaster for my tea cup.
Back Side
The following three are my experimentation with the central cross pattern.
I was trying to see which I liked better...the dark background or the light ones.
This is another design with a floral cross and then the dark center cross.
I really like it.
I really like it.
I have had a wonderful 3 days playing with my fabrics, mixing and matching colors, and hand stitching. When the arthritis in my thumbs gets too bad, then I hit the sewing machine...but it is much more calming and soothing to hand quilt.
I also have followed the book’s suggestions and made myself a modified design wall. I took an old white board and affixed cotton batting to the cork side. The fabric blocks adhere to the batting wonderfully so I can see what I am doing. Easy Peasy! The problem is...where am I going to make one as the number of blocks increases?????? That’s gonna take some creative doing :-)
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