Thursday, August 25, 2016

8-26-16 ~ Some Photography and My Weekly Art Posts

I am linking this shot taken today with Skywatch Friday.
The rains are coming tomorrow.
You all are continually reading my posts from where we live in Kerrs Creek.
 So, I just had to let see that we even rate an Interstate sign 
directing you to our neck of the woods.

Unfortunately, our man that cuts our lower 3 acres grass has been out of town for several weeks, so the grass was very, very high when he got here yesterday. This morning I went out barefooted to take some photos while the early morning shadows were so pretty, and I found myself in a not so good situation for someone with a horrible allergy to grasses. Well, I got the pictures but payed a high price sneezing, itching, and weezing all day long.I am linking this picture of my 77 year old ugly feet in the freshly cut grass with:

This is the old Model T shed here at the farm. 
This morning the shadows were just beautiful. 
 I am linking it with Shadow Shot Sunday 2.

My Etegami for the Week
Fall Is on Its Way

This is a picture I painted for Rose Swalls from Pics and Piecing. The two of us have become very dear friends and correspond daily. She has put up two posts about how Roger is doing, and it is such a heart breaker. There now appears to be more damage than they thought at first. But he is trying, and he is making progress. Please remember her and her beloved Roger, Sarah and Rachel their daughters, and their precious granddaughter, Lorelei, in your thoughts and prayers.

These are my latest paintings for 365 Days of Spirit Art Journaling
This undertaking is spooned by Nancy Baumiller at Art 2 Hearts
Day 8 ~ Gratitude
Click Twice to Enlarge

Day 10 ~ Clarity

The idea of the 'Woof Woof' correctly spelled words is not my own. I found them while doing a search of eye chart images on the internet, but it was my idea to use the red glasses (from Mischief Circus) and the misspelling of the words for the left eye. I was thinking about going to the eye doctor and not being able to see worth a hoot in that eye. My life needs 'clarity' all throughout it...not just with my eyes.

My art posts are linked with:


  1. Wonderful series of photos and beautiful work of art.

  2. I appreciate it very much you risk your hay fever allergie for the readers of your blog. We bloggers do anything for a post don't we? Great feet! :)

  3. Hello, I love your pretty sky shot. Your etegami art work is so pretty. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Glorious paintings and great photos, Genie.
    Have a happy weekend xx

  5. Beautiful sky and I really enjoy your creativity. I don't follow any other artists blogs (only yours), so I don't know your friend, but I know she must have appreciated the beautiful flower arrangement you sent! That and the etagami are wonderful... And also I hope your sneezes and itches are better ... Bill has terrible grass allergies and that is the main reason why we like to be away from Oregon in the Spring, which is the worst season for pollen here.

  6. The grass has great texture, but I'm sorry you had to suffer for the photo!

  7. Loving your art and photography ♥

  8. You had another good art week. Love the pic with your feet in the hay. The tree of gratitude is a great idea. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  9. A wonderful set of photos, I do you you are recovering from the grass allergies, not pleasant sneezing all day.
    Tour artistic pages are fabulous, all have lots of interesting details. I was drawn to look closer at your Tree of gratitude, it is awesome and a really good way to express feelings.
    Have a good weekend
    Yvonne xx

  10. Genie, your feet look just fine in your photo. Hope your allergies are not too bad this time of year.

  11. creative photography ~ gorgeous and other art work ~ Your etegami is delightful! and well done ~ I did a pumpkin for next week ~ ^_^

    Thanks for visiting ~ xox

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  12. Lovely artwork and photos...and your feet don't look that old at all!!Sorry about the allergies...I know the feeling well!! Love the gratitude tree with the tiny bird!!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. hopefully the allergies have settles down, grass allergies can be horrble

  14. Your neck of the woods is very beautiful. I enjoyed your post very much and believe me your feet look better than my younger ones. Keep up the wonderful creativity and have a fantastic weekend.

  15. You are 77? For some reason I just didn't think that age. Your art is wonderful and great photos. So so sorry about Rodger. Glad you are helping out.

  16. great job with both photography and art. Love the feet image. And the flowers are a favlórite too.

  17. What lovely photographs, I'm sorry about your allergies, it's a great photo though! The art is wonderful, I love your tiny little birds so much. There's so much wonderful detail in your art.

  18. A great post I especially like the mandala circle and your bare feet very cool...I thought I was the only one running around barefoot.
    The Beatles "Mother Natures Son" is on their White album I didn't remember it either.

  19. That's a gorgeous sky! I hope you got through your allergies!

  20. I like the sweep of the road in that first shot!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  21. Genie, thank you for your comment on my Ferry picture. That looks like the Bainbridge Ferry because it IS the Bainbridge Ferry. We were on the Bremerton Ferry when I took the picture. We use to have friends who lived on Bainbridge Island, so I took that Ferry often, but they moved to Seattle now. It is a beautiful place. This is a perfect season to go visit your kids.

  22. How lovely, to find a blogger, who is 77!

    Since I am 79!

    Granted, we are a wee bit slower now... And also have some 'creaky' parts. But as long as we are still able to 'bop along'.. And wonder... And ponder... And learn...

    Well, this "olden" time is quite wonderful! I'm sure you would agree.

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  23. Fantastic pages. I LOVE your tree of gratitude. Its not only a wonderful idea but is nicely done. Hugs-Erika

  24. I'm so glad you found me so I can follow you and see your work! It makes me smile. Very beautiful with a gentle spirit. Thanks for sharing your lovely painting in my August challenge at! (And thanks for sharing your Tree of Gratitude here ~ it is beautiful.) ~ Karen

  25. Hi Genie ~ I'm happy to tell you that your lovely flower painting just won the drawing for my August challenge at! Congratulations! Whenever you get a chance, email me at and I'll send you a code to claim your prize, $10 credit to spend on some digital goodies at :-) Karen

  26. Beautiful photos! It looks so hot and dry over there, not like here in England! Lovely sketches too, they bring out the summer colours :) x
