Sunday, February 6, 2011

ME Monday ~ 2-7-11

Today is M.E. Monday, but it is also my 72nd Birthday!!! I fully plan to wear my M.E. Birthday Crown all day at school. My son sketched the picture behind the crown in charcoal on an old blackboard with a lovely wooden border he found beside a dumpster. Someone’s else’s trash definitely became my treasure.

I found this precious little kleenex box with the $1.00 M.E. items at Michael’s last week. It was so cute I bought a bunch of them to give to my fellow teachers for Christmas this year...that is if I still have my job!!!

Before calling it a night, I want to add two more pictures. My dear blogger friend, Debby, over at Cozy Blanket sent me the sweetest little morale booster note the other day. It was a precious card with a photo of her grandchildren and some other cutie pies standing in front of a candy truck.The little boy and girl on the right belong to her. She also made me the dearest M.E. fabric pin with a yo-yo in the middle. I wore it to school on Friday and the teachers and students had a fit over it. Thanks again, Debby, for remembering me.

I hope all of you have a wonderful M.E. Monday. Stop by Cherry Chick Jewelry to see other M.E.Monday posts. Vicki is our host, and she has MORE M.E. stuff than anyone else I have ever known.


  1. Happy Birthday, Genie! I bet you'll looks terrific in that crown. ;-) Enjoy YOUR day!
    Your son is very talented. The charcoal sketch is wonderful.

  2. Happy all your ME things...Now,since you won my Give have a couple more things to add to your collection :)
    Blessings on your week....Shelley

  3. Happy Birthday Genie.
    Your son has some real talent.....not sure about that COzy Blanket person, hah.

  4. You ARE the Birthday QUEEN today! Wahoo for you! Great photograph of a wonderful drawing. Is that from Gene?
    Have a Happy Birthday and a Cherry ME Monday Ms. Genie..Hugs

  5. Happy Belated Birthday Genie! My mom's 71st is Tuesday! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and ate lots of cake!

  6. Happy Birthday!(late) I love your crown !
