Thanks to our beloved swap sponsor, Linda, over at A Swap for All Seasons,we are just about to wind up our winter swap for 2011 ~ a mini fabric collage. My swap partner is Becky Garrison over at Camelia Cottage. Becky loves vintage things, hankies, and 40’-50’s colors. Her kitchen is pale blue and white with a red antiqued table and chairs. She LOVES color. Well, I thought and thought trying to come up with a festive idea but one in keeping with her likes so this is what I decided upon. Her collage is two sided: one side is for her to hang for Valentine’s, and the other is for Easter. After emailing back and forth and passing the idea by Becky, we decided I would to go ahead and finish it off so she would be able to go ahead and use it immediately as Valentine’s Day is almost here.

For the Valentines’s side I used pink and red fabric and felt along with lace, some vintage doilies I cut apart for the hanger, rick-rack, old buttons, yo-yo’s, and embroidery. As a final little touch I put a tiny crocheted flower in the center and stamped twill tape with “be mine.”
Since Becky’s kitchen is blue and white, I chose those colors as well as yellows for the Easter egg side. Once again I used lots of buttons, rick-rack, yo-yo’s, lace, vintage doilies, ribbon, and I even found some little Easter egg buttons for the top. For that final touch I stamped “happy easter” on twill tape going across the bottom.
Well, I just could’t stop there. For ages now I have been wanting to attempt to make some tags. Having seen so many precious ones on the different blogs, I decided to give it a try. Keeping with the Valentine’s Day~Easter theme, this is the tag I designed...and it, too, it two sided.
I hope Becky likes it. I had such fun putting all together, and I learned a lot during the process. Again, thank you Linda for all that you do to make all of our lives just a bit brighter and a lot more fulfilling.