Wednesday, August 10, 2016

8-10-16 ~ Happy Finches

It Is Wild Bird Wednesday Again

 This little finch makes me think of a penguin.
That is quite the split it is doing!

It is such fun to be a little finch when Mom feeds us in our play yard. 


  1. Gorgeous photos of your lovely finches which are a little bit like our Greenfinches here in the UK. Just noticed the link to wild bird Wednesday too which really appeals to me to - thanks.
    Hope you've had a good day ... Gill x

  2. I love your Goldfinches. I saw some flying around the garden but couldn't get any photos. These are great :)

  3. I have a bunch of finches at my bird feeder too. I love the goldfinches and that bold yellow the male has. Great shots. :) erika

  4. Always love seeing Gold Finches. They are such happy looking birds. Thanks for your recent comments on my blog.

  5. Well, the comment seems to show my blogger profile but clicking on my photo in your follower list takes the person to the list of blogs I follow and NOT my blog. We both learned something today Genie. Maybe someone smart will read this and straighten us both out.

  6. very impressive! beautiful images.
    if you ever post photos of birds on consider linking at [new linking tool opens each Saturday at noon texas time].

    and to answer your question...yes, super photo is for pc...and it's free! just Google.

  7. Your finch looks so bright and yellow, I wonder what kind of finch he is. Our greenfinches and goldfinches are different from these.

  8. Lucky little goldfinches. I miss them (we had them on our feeders when we spent summers at the Lake -- not here in the middle of the city of course).

  9. What a busy feeding station. Great to see.

  10. Pretty finches and great photos of them.
