Wednesday, August 12, 2020
My First Pictures of 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Hi to My Friends from Genie
I have been away for so long I am not sure if I can even remember how to create a post. But, here goes.
My life has become quite complicated these last two years due to illness and other medical issues, but I think I am finally able to work for limited periods of time at my laptop computer sitting in my recliner. At 81, I have finally given myself permission to classify myself as an aging senior and not sit at a desk. I am stuck here in the old farmhouse on the creek, and I need to keep myself busy. I have lots of drs' appointments and physical therapy, but they are no fun. Fun is being back working at my genealogy, messing with my artwork, and picture taking. I miss my barns, especially. The iPhone is my only camera other than my little pink Canon from years ago. I gave my eldest son my Canon Rebel and all my wonderful lens because I couldn't handle the weight of it all around my neck. I was sad to see it go, but I am so happy it has a good home.
OK. I'm gonna sign off, and see if I have created my first post of 2020. I'm so happy to be alive, poking fun at myself, and with no COVID in the family.
Hugs to all my old friends should you see this.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
9-15-16 ~ My Artwork for the Week
Monday, September 12, 2016
9-12-16 ~ Pictures from a Happy Weekend Trip

Crossing the Finish Line - Ultra Marathon - Damascus Virginia
If ou click on the picture, you will see the sign - Hikers Inn.
Our comfy room was the one upstairs in the front right corner.

We ate in a little restaurant, and I got there biggest kick out of the "sign” on the aprons worn by the people working there...
Today's Menu ~ Take It or Leave It
Sunday, September 11, 2016
9-11-16 ~ It's Sunday and Time for Tom's Barn Collective
This is the farmhouse and the pen and shed are where they raise the baby cows and then sell them to the farmer across the road who raises and then sells them.
Friday, September 9, 2016
9-9-16 ~ Day 30 ~ My Sacred Place & Art Work from the Week
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
8-31-16 ~ In Whom Do You Believe?
This post is linked with:
The Three Muses ~ Frames
365 Days of Spirit Art Journaling